Pay off your first $1,000 dollars in debt in 90 days
Congrats on signing up for early access to " Money Girl Collective: Debt Free Challenge" a community-focused, safe space for women to crush their first $1,000 of debt !
I’m excited to serve you as you get one step closer to your financial stability and ultimately, financial freedom.
You should receive an email from me shortly. Don’t forget to check your spam.
But girl, I don't know if I can do this:
I know exactly where you are and how you are feeling. You've been saying for months, weeks, and even years that you want to get your money right! That you want to pay down debt. That you want to stop living check to check. That you want to travel more. Well baby, i'm here to hold you accountable. WE are here to pour into you and ensure that another year doesn't go by without you tackling this debt.
You will have a tribe of like-minded and easily accessible WOMEN who are rooting for you.
Don't believe me? Just watch...#receipts
Hear about how Trew was able to pay off one of her credit cards. Now she's on the way to being fully debt free.
Enrollment only happens twice a year. 10 women max. Don't sleep!
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